Tuesday, March 20, 2018

2.5 Otto

There was someone else who was deeply impacted by Viljo's death.

When she had found out she was pregnant, Hannah knew she couldn't keep the baby. Not without losing her NASA career. But she couldn't bring herself to terminate the pregnancy either because of how much Viljo loved children. She was planning on telling him but kept putting it off. She knew he would be a good Dad and raise her kid with the others at the orphanage. When she heard about his death, it was already too late for an abortion. The first thing she did was get drunk because now it really didn't matter anymore. The kid would be miserable anyway. She immediately regretted it the next day and never touched a drop of alcohol again for the remaining months of the pregnancy. When her son was born, she dropped him off at the orphanage, explaining to Angela that she was in no position to care for the boy whom she had named Otto.


Little did she know that Angela was in way over her head already as it was. Thankfully she had Charlotte and Ben to help her with the new arrival. 

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